An Inside Look Into Servant Leadership

The concept of servant leadership revolves around the principle that leaders should emphasize serving the greater good. Leaders who follow this model put the needs of their teams and organizations before their own. They do not prioritize the goals that they have set for themselves.

How Do Leaders Grow in their Discipleship?

As those who make disciples, Christian leaders desire to follow Christ’s example and act in a manner that would be appropriate for Him. However, misunderstandings about discipleship continue to flourish. Occasionally, people equate it with conversion or evangelism.

How to Transform Yourself into a Better Leader

To lead, exert influence, or steer people, groups, or organizations is the basic definition of leadership. Your ability to lead effectively will significantly impact the success of your organization and your career. Everyone is given an equal opportunity to become a leader; hence, here are seven ways to harness your hidden talent:

Uncovering the Sweet Spot between Leadership and Management

Whether leaders are managers or managers are leaders continues to curl in the 21st century. Where do you stand in a period of increased competition and the tuning of labor brought by globalization? Well, it is essential to define these two words – managers and leaders. Though frequently used interchangeably, management and leadership have distinct meanings.

Incorporating Ethics into Leadership

Even in the days when we were still living in caves, I imagine people worried about the moral compass of those in authority. Good monarchs and horrible kings, magnificent and wicked empires, powerful and ineffective presidents—all are described in detail in our history books. While there are numerous books about the morality of great leaders, very few books, have been written about the theoretical underpinnings of leadership ethics.

Christian Leadership during Organizational Crisis

A wise leader seldom finds it simple to lead. It can be challenging to lead during a crisis, especially when there are many unknowns, risks, and concerns. Hence, leaders must move quickly and decisively, using their unique authority. We may well need to stand firm even if we stand alone. But even if a leader ultimately needs to make a hard call, we must not isolate ourselves in the decision-making process.

7 leadership styles you should know

What makes each leader special is that they are guided in distinct ways by their own individual goals, visions, and leadership styles. One way to improve your ability to inspire and motivate those around you to succeed is to gain insight into your leadership style.